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We will not leave them to face it alone

  • 100,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • ₪57,522.00

    Funds Raised
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Family type Widow/Widower
Neighbourhood RBS
Donate Become an Ambassador Tax receipts provided
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We will not leave them to face it alone

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As an ambassador, you’ll pledge to raise a certain amount in donations – either part of the target goal, or the entire amount. You’ll then get a unique link to this cause that you can personalize and share. When people donate through your link, it will show up on your page and be added to the total amount you raised.

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We will not leave them to face it alone

You’ll find your unique sharing link below.

Here’s a sample message you could use to express how important the cause is to you and encourage people to donate:

"Hi [insert name],
I hope you're doing well.
I have gotten involved with an incredible project where people adopt a refugee family and raise the funds they need to help them through their crisis.
The family I have undertaken to help: "We will not leave them to face it alone"
And I have set myself a goal of ₪100000 to help them with their current pressing needs. It would really mean a lot to me if you could partner with me to help them.
Please donate here:

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A year and a half ago, they fulfilled their dream: to make Aliyah to the Land of Israel.
They left everything behind—extended family, work, language, culture...
There were challenges, and many of them. But they faced them together, supporting one another.

Not long after, the husband began to feel unwell.
At first, they attributed everything to the move, but as the days passed and the symptoms worsened, they realized something was wrong.
After a round of tests, the bitter truth was revealed: cancer.

Their world came crashing down.

What followed was an unbearable period of harsh treatments, pain, and fear.
In the end, it was over—
This precious man passed away in the land he loved so dearly.

His widow was left alone, with no financial support...

Let’s come together to support this brave widow and her family. Let’s raise 100,000 shekels to provide her with basic living expenses for the coming years and show her that she is not alone!

Kupa Shel Tzedaka RBS Nachal Luz 2, Beit Shemesh
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₪1,000.00 87 minutes ago
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₪3,600.00 2 hours ago
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₪400.00 2 hours ago
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Laurence Zeifman
₪500.00 3 hours ago
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Ivan & Tracy Shapiro
₪540.00 3 hours ago
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Jonathan Boltax
₪180.00 3 hours ago
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Yehoshua Jacobson
₪72.00 4 hours ago
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₪1,845.00 4 hours ago
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Shmuel Klein

ה\' יעזור

₪100.00 4 hours ago
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Shmuel Kaplan
₪500.00 5 hours ago
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Mark Greenbaum
₪184.50 5 hours ago
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Darren Platzky

לכבוד קרי ודורון פודלשוק עלו והצליחו

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ארי פודלשוק
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הילה מי מרום
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פנחס סלם
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Zev Jacobson
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