The D. family was living a peaceful and stable life. Two devoted parents earning a modest income, and children growing up in a calm and secure environment. But then the war broke out, and their lives were thrown into turmoil: the mother’s workplace shut down, and she was laid off. The father tried to work extra hours, but it just wasn't enough...
After some time, the mother found a new job. Just as they began to breathe a sigh of relief, the employer decided she wasn’t the right fit and let her go again.
On top of the emotional toll of these layoffs, they are now facing the additional challenge of a child with special needs, requiring them to run back and forth for evaluations and consultations—making it nearly impossible for the mother to focus on finding a third job.
The D. family is doing their best to hang on, but right now, they have nothing to live on...
Let’s help the D. family get through this difficult time!
Survival 12099
Funding Goal -
Funds Raised -
Target Goal
Campaign End Method
Family type
Kupa Shel Tzedaka RBS
RBS A, Israel