Another negative answer. Another dismissal.
H., who suffers from a certain mental disability, is tired of trying.
He can't find the strength to try again...
His wife works hard for a living. She is pregnant, but does not let this stop her.
Despite her efforts, her salary is far from sufficient for the needs of the household. They started the the long and complex process of receiving handicapped status, but in the meantime there is no money.
Due to the precarious mental state of the father, apart from his lack of income, there are many extra expenses beyond the standard living expenses: meetings with psychiatrists and doctors, emotional therapies and more.
So it’s not just the painful, emotional difficulty and all that entails, but even just daily groceries are beyond them… resulting in a disastrous situation of a family literally on the brink of falling apart.
Let's be there for them! They will need 20,000 NIS for groceries, therapies, medications and more – to see them through these few months until they receive their allowance and hopefully, their future.
Handicapped and despaired! 11817
Funding Goal -
Funds Raised -
Target Goal
Campaign End Method
Family type
Sick Dad
Every donation matched by our generous matchers

Kupa of Ramat Beit Shemesh
Ramat Beit Shemesh