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Healthy and Without Debt

  • 20,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • ₪20,126.56

    Funds Raised
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Family type Sick Dad
Neighbourhood RBS
Closed This goal has been reached!
Tax receipts provided
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Become an ambassador for:

Healthy and Without Debt

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As an ambassador, you’ll pledge to raise a certain amount in donations – either part of the target goal, or the entire amount. You’ll then get a unique link to this cause that you can personalize and share. When people donate through your link, it will show up on your page and be added to the total amount you raised.

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Healthy and Without Debt

You’ll find your unique sharing link below.

Here’s a sample message you could use to express how important the cause is to you and encourage people to donate:

"Hi [insert name],
I hope you're doing well.
I have gotten involved with an incredible project where people adopt a refugee family and raise the funds they need to help them through their crisis.
The family I have undertaken to help: "Healthy and Without Debt"
And I have set myself a goal of ₪20000 to help them with their current pressing needs. It would really mean a lot to me if you could partner with me to help them.
Please donate here:

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x2 Every donation matched by our generous matchers: Close friends.

When A., a father of a large family, finally repaid his last debt after years of hard work, no one was happier than him.

They embarked on a new journey—living frugally and carefully considering every expense—but they were debt-free!

A few weeks ago, A. suffered a severe heart attack and had to undergo a complex emergency surgery.

The health insurance covered part of the cost, and the family managed to cover the rest.

Thank G-d, A. has recovered and is undergoing rehabilitation, but two months without work and several unexpected expenses threaten to undo all their progress…

The total costs of what is left to pay for the surgery and for the 2 months that A. will be out of work, is just 20,000 NIS.

And we have generous donors who will pay for 10,000 NIS if we come up with the other 10,000 NIS.

Together we can do this!

Kupa Shel Tzedaka RBS Nachal Luz 2, Beit Shemesh
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₪700.00 19 hours ago
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Aharon Levenson
₪100.00 19 hours ago
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₪954.47 20 hours ago
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Tracy Dalton
₪50.00 21 hours ago
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Kenny Weinblatt
₪250.00 21 hours ago
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A.N. A.N.
₪3,577.00 21 hours ago
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Yonah Kaufman
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Moshe Strauss
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Miri Schreiber
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aviva mordechai
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Shmuli Levison
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Noemi Leitner
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Simon Baum
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גרנט לורנס פרן
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Avrumele Kupetz
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Rephoel Leitner
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