Restore their Peace

  • 20,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • ₪10,060.32

    Funds Raised
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Family type General
Neighbourhood RBS
Donate Become an Ambassador Tax receipts provided
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Become an ambassador for:

Restore their Peace

Still needed:


As an ambassador, you’ll pledge to raise a certain amount in donations – either part of the target goal, or the entire amount. You’ll then get a unique link to this cause that you can personalize and share. When people donate through your link, it will show up on your page and be added to the total amount you raised.

Lifestyle Image Thank you for becoming an ambassador for

Restore their Peace

You’ll find your unique sharing link below.

Here’s a sample message you could use to express how important the cause is to you and encourage people to donate:

"Hi [insert name],
I hope you're doing well.
I have gotten involved with an incredible project where people adopt a refugee family and raise the funds they need to help them through their crisis.
The family I have undertaken to help: "Restore their Peace"
And I have set myself a goal of ₪20000 to help them with their current pressing needs. It would really mean a lot to me if you could partner with me to help them.
Please donate here:

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x2 Every donation matched by our generous matchers: קרן הוצאות רפואיות שע"י ידידי קופה של צדקה

At first everything was wonderful.
He – was a fresh Ba’al teshuva, and she – a convert. They were made for each other.
The first years passed in happiness, full of meaning and inner, pure joy as they built their family together as true Torah jews.
And suddenly, everything collapsed... the father got involved with addictions and illicit substances, and eventually simply ran away, leaving a family behind - - -
The mother did not give up. She fought on, and after many difficult years she remarried and rebuilt her home.
However, the many upheavals left their mark on the children who now face serious emotional problems. The worst hit, was the 10-year-old child who developed a very severe mental disorder that now has devastating affects on the entire family.
After investing hours upon hours and tens of thousands of shekels, he has been more-or less stabilised. But a harrowing recent incident has thrown him back into psychotic attacks.
In order to treat him, they have to send him for a short stay in a special institute abroad at a cost of 20,000 NIS!
Let's help this heroic family to rebuild!

Kupa Shel Tzedaka RBS
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Anonymous With Ambassador DANIELLA MENDOZA
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Yettie Katz
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Anonymous With Ambassador TEHILLA GREEN
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Anonymous With Ambassador Deena Silverman
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פלוני פלוני With Ambassador Deena Silverman
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שמואל רוזנפלד
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Micha leitner
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Mavis Rosenstein With Ambassador ADELE JOFFE & FAMILY

B’hatzlacha rabbah

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Elissa Berkowitz With Ambassador Lani Friedlander
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Naomi Homnick With Ambassador AMY HOMNICK

L\'refuah shelaima Chaya Miriam bas Leah

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rikki leitner

כל מי שעוסקים בצורכי ציבור באמונה הקב\"ה ישלם שכרם! אמן

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Michelle fruchter With Ambassador Lani Friedlander
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Anonymous With Ambassador Lani Friedlander
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Anonymous With Ambassador Lani Friedlander
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Anonymous With Ambassador Lani Friedlander
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Lani Friedlander With Ambassador Lani Friedlander
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Anonymous With Ambassador SUSSMAN FAMILY
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Racheli Marks
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ירמי גולד סוכנות לביטוח בעמ With Ambassador SUSSMAN FAMILY
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Nechama Goldberger
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Anonymous With Ambassador BURG FAMILY
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Noemi Leitner
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Michael Schoemann 0 DONATIONS
₪0.00 /₪1,500.00
Donate via Michael

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₪100.00 /₪1,500.00
Donate via TEHILLA

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Anonymous With Ambassador TEHILLA GREEN

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₪69.00 /₪1,500.00
Donate via DANIELLA

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Anonymous With Ambassador DANIELLA MENDOZA

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₪70.24 /₪500.00
Donate via ADELE

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Mavis Rosenstein With Ambassador ADELE JOFFE & FAMILY

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Deena Silverman 2 DONATIONS
₪300.00 /₪1,500.00
Donate via Deena

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Anonymous With Ambassador Deena Silverman

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פלוני פלוני With Ambassador Deena Silverman

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Lani Friedlander 6 DONATIONS
₪1,478.31 /₪1,800.00
Donate via Lani

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Elissa Berkowitz With Ambassador Lani Friedlander

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Michelle fruchter With Ambassador Lani Friedlander

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Anonymous With Ambassador Lani Friedlander

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Anonymous With Ambassador Lani Friedlander

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Anonymous With Ambassador Lani Friedlander

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Lani Friedlander With Ambassador Lani Friedlander

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₪97.06 /₪1,000.00
Donate via BURG

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Anonymous With Ambassador BURG FAMILY

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₪101.46 /₪1,000.00
Donate via AMY

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Naomi Homnick With Ambassador AMY HOMNICK

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₪1,305.00 /₪2,000.00
Donate via SUSSMAN

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Anonymous With Ambassador SUSSMAN FAMILY

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ירמי גולד סוכנות לביטוח בעמ With Ambassador SUSSMAN FAMILY
