הכנסת כלה

  • 100,000.00

    סכום יעד
  • ₪22,594.75

  • סכום יעד

    יעד הקמפיין
סוג משפחה כללי
מיקום RBS
לתרומה הפוך לשגריר מספקים קבלות מס
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הפוך לשגריר עבור:

הכנסת כלה

עדיין חסר


כשגריר, יהיה סכום מסוים שתתחייב/י לגייס - או את חלק מסכום היעד או את כל הסכום.
תקבל/י לינק אישי למטרה זו שאפשר לשתף ולהעביר לחברים.
כשתרומות מגיעים דרך הלינק שלך זה יצטבר בדף שלך עד להשגת היעד.

המחויבות שלי
Lifestyle Image תודה שהצטרפת כשגריר עבור

הכנסת כלה

הקישור הייעודי לעמוד שלך מופיע ממש כאן למטה

לנוחותך, הנה דוגמה להודעה שבאפשרותך לשלוח כבר עכשיו לאנשי הקשר שלך כדי לעודד אותם לתרומה:

"Hi [insert name],
I hope you're doing well.
I have gotten involved with an incredible project where people adopt a refugee family and raise the funds they need to help them through their crisis.
The family I have undertaken to help: "הכנסת כלה"
And I have set myself a goal of ₪100000 to help them with their current pressing needs. It would really mean a lot to me if you could partner with me to help them.
Please donate here:

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This cause is not available.
Browse other causes to find one that speaks to you!

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This cause is not available.
Browse other causes to find one that speaks to you!

כלה יתומה שעומדת לפני חתונתה. מלבד ההתמודדות עם פטירת אמה, היא צריכה לארגן לבד חתונה.
בואו נהיה איתה ונעזור לה להכנס לחופה בכבוד עם כל מה שצריך

Kupa of Ramat Beit Shemesh RBS A, Israel
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James Rosenwasser
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ריקי מארוקו
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Yael Rosenwasser With Ambassador Shiri
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Leora Soffer With Ambassador Shiri
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Anonymous With Ambassador Chani
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Yael Marcus With Ambassador Chani

Mazal tov!! Keep up the great work Chani! ❤️

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Charles Gedinsky With Ambassador Oriyah

Yaish Hakoach Oriyah. Mazel Tov to Chatan and Kallah

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Shira Kornblit With Ambassador Chani
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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah
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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah

בשם כל ישראל

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Faivel and Toba Adelman With Ambassador Chani
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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriya
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מאיר ארנסט With Ambassador Chani
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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah
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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah

מזל טוב 🤍

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Aleeza and Natanel Lebowitz With Ambassador Shiri
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Anonymous With Ambassador Shiri
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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah
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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah
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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah
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אליענה ציביה With Ambassador Oriyah
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מושקא With Ambassador Oriyah
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Rochel grobman With Ambassador Oriyah
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Elisheva Schulman With Ambassador Oriyah
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Shifra With Ambassador Oriyah
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Racheli Ginsberg With Ambassador Oriyah
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אילה ליבוביץ
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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah
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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah
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Nomi With Ambassador Oriyah

Mazel tov❤️

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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah
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Aliza Baum With Ambassador Shiri

From Omi & Opa לעילוי נשמת בלומה בת ראובן

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Anonymous With Ambassador Shiri
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הדס פרדס (פוגל) With Ambassador Shiri
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Gavriella Lebowitz With Ambassador Shiri
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Simon and Aliza Baum With Ambassador Shiri
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Derek Baum With Ambassador Shiri

Mazal Tov

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Jacqui Goodman With Ambassador Shiri

Mazal tov on your forthcoming marriage.

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Sharon Baum With Ambassador Shiri
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Shiri With Ambassador Shiri
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Shira Shrem With Ambassador Chani
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Yehoshua and miriam freilich With Ambassador Chani

Mazal tov

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מרדכי קורנפיין With Ambassador Chani

כל הכבוד בהצלחה רבה

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Riki rubenstein With Ambassador Chani
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יהודה פרייליך With Ambassador Chani
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Chani & Michael Topf With Ambassador Chani
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איציק וברכה פרייליך With Ambassador Chani
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אסתי ארנסט With Ambassador Chani
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Chani & Michael Topf With Ambassador Chani
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Pesha Rosner With Ambassador Chani

Kupah shel Tzedakah case number 9197

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נפתלי בראון With Ambassador Chani
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Anonymous With Ambassador Chani
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Anonymous With Ambassador Chani
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Anonymous With Ambassador Chani
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Oriyah 10 תרומות
₪5,179.93 /₪5,000.00
Donate via Oriyah

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Charles Gedinsky With Ambassador Oriyah

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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah

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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah

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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah

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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah

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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah

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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah

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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriyah

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אליענה ציביה With Ambassador Oriyah

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מושקא With Ambassador Oriyah

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Shiri 10 תרומות
₪6,607.27 /₪6,000.00
Donate via Shiri

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Yael Rosenwasser With Ambassador Shiri

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Leora Soffer With Ambassador Shiri

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Aleeza and Natanel Lebowitz With Ambassador Shiri

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Anonymous With Ambassador Shiri

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Aliza Baum With Ambassador Shiri

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Anonymous With Ambassador Shiri

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הדס פרדס (פוגל) With Ambassador Shiri

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Gavriella Lebowitz With Ambassador Shiri

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Simon and Aliza Baum With Ambassador Shiri

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Derek Baum With Ambassador Shiri

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Oriya 1 תרומות
₪1,000.00 /₪5,000.00
Donate via Oriya

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Anonymous With Ambassador Oriya

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Chani 10 תרומות
₪6,427.05 /₪7,500.00
Donate via Chani

אשמח מאד אם כל אחד יכול לתרום אפילו מעט. כל סכום יעזור. זה הכנסת כלה אמיתית, אפשר להשתמש בכספי מעשרות🖤

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Anonymous With Ambassador Chani

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Yael Marcus With Ambassador Chani

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Shira Kornblit With Ambassador Chani

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Faivel and Toba Adelman With Ambassador Chani

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מאיר ארנסט With Ambassador Chani

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Shira Shrem With Ambassador Chani

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Yehoshua and miriam freilich With Ambassador Chani

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מרדכי קורנפיין With Ambassador Chani

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Riki rubenstein With Ambassador Chani

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יהודה פרייליך With Ambassador Chani
